Webinar Talks About Relaxing Hair Right

If you have very tightly-coiled hair, and want it to be straighter, you may want to consider getting professional help with relaxing your natural curl.

If you’re a hair care professional looking for guidance in how to best provide service to someone who wants to chemically treat the texture of their hair, consider watching our Keratin Treatment Webinar.

The Pretty in a Minute professional implement and accessories line was designed with the integrity of hair in mind. While most conventional tools on the market today are mainly results-driven, having no true intention of preserving the health of the hair, Pretty in a Minute has partnered with top scientists to develop groundbreaking technology that has raised the industry standard.

They’ve created professional styling implements that nourish the hair while delivering powerful and effective results.

Many people choose to relax their curly hair for easier maintenance and styling. It is important that you do it correctly, According to Livestrong.com, the chemical process can cause scalp irritation and hair breakage or hair loss if it is done incorrectly. Scalp burns can lead to infection or bald patches.

All relaxers contain chemicals and can cause damage, even those that are labeled “organic” or natural. Relaxers work by breaking down protein bonds within the hair shaft. Lye relaxers contain sodium hydroxide, a caustic chemical. No-lye relaxers are milder, but can still cause damage to the hair and scalp if used incorrectly.

Relaxers come in super, regular and mild strengths; choosing which one to use depends on the tightness of the coils you are trying to relax. If you use a relaxer that is too strong or leave it on your hair too long, it can cause permanent damage, as can using a relaxer soon after you have had another chemical-based hair service, like color, or if you apply relaxer on already-relaxed hair.

Since your relaxed hair will be weaker and dry, it’s important to use regular conditioning treatments to help prevent breakage.